Fri is Nigh

By on 7-11-2008 in Competitions / Contests, Gorjuss Products, Sig Tag Stuff

Good evening and welcome to a bumper Friday night at the gorjuss blog…. TWO competitions tonight, both running till 10pm Sunday night…. One is like last weekends competitions, the other is an auction……for something rather amazing.. we’ll get to it in time. First lets get down to some business…

Friday Buttons

Where’s Cinderlla when you need her?

I have just printed and made a pile of button badges bigger than my head… most are for an order for a shop in Cornwall called Bonbi Forrest . I took some photographs after packing them into lovely little bags… here have a wee looksie!!

OOH Gorjuss Girl Buttons….

I have to say it took both Suzanne and myself about 2 hours to make these all up, bag them and ship them… I was soo happy when we finnished I did a little Mr. G leap of joy… picture a dog trying to jump to get a treat from your hand.. So the ORDER was filled and shipped… onto preparations for the quiz……. but first…


Have you got the new AMI pack of Suzanne’s girls yet?? I know Christina has as she kindly sent me this wonderful tag..

Paradise by Christina

I still want people to send me their tags, so i can show them off on Suzanne’s blog if of course they are good enough!!! lol.

Suzanne’s Blood Test Results

Suzanne was taken in to Gorjuspital for her annual bloodtest, this is a routene test to ensure that she still has a plentiful supply of gorjuss girls left inside her. The test result came back a bit blurry and we need your help to identify the girl in Suzannes blood cell. If you get it right, we will send you a fine art print of your choice and…. Suzanne can rest easy knowing she still has girls circulating in her blood… . Here’s the result…

Is the any Gorjuss left in Suzanne?

If you know what the girl in the blood cell is, post a comment and we’ll check it. The first person with the correct guess will win a fine art print of their choice… Competition closes Sunday night… Good luck and please help us….



A book for Fairys

Made by fairys and illustrated by Suzanne, you can see its size against the bookmarks behind it. Its 45mm x 35mm and each page has a little gorjuss sketch on it..


Its very small and gorjuss…


Petit Gorjuss…. full of Suzanne goodness and only half the calories of a normal sketch book…

Where Can I get one???

So you’re sold now, you want it and you will give anything to make this unique item yours?? Well good….

This is the second competition idea for this weekend. We are running an auctions for this, all bids made to, any outlandish bids will be subject to ridicule and being discarded. The winning bid will be the highest bid received before Sunday night 10pm. All monies raised by this auction will be donated to “Love Without Boundaries“. This is a charity Suzanne has supported for a long time now and she will donate on behalf of all blog readers.

So please keep it simple and prices in US Dollars would be extra helpful. I will put the highest bidders name in tommorrow nights blog with an update of how bids are going… and hopefully we may have a winner of the fine art print this weekend by then……….


Good luck and thankyou all for reading.


  1. me again lol
    ok first guess tonight squidthing 🙂

    wow thought it was hard last week lmao, i gonna get me fags n a cuppa

  2. lol that bad it need fags AND a cuppa…

  3. hey got me pjs on a douvet and wooly sox (stripey) lmao am settling in g#for the night ha ha

  4. it’s a bunny !!! er no that would be Maddy’s guess ….lol
    this one looks hard Mr G 🙁

  5. okay – my guess is “one day at a time” :blush:

  6. k next guess is my daughters leyla and she guesses colour
    (big fan)

  7. sits waiting for someone to guess so i can have another turn lmao. sits counting fingers n toes n gets 21 XD

  8. the apple doesnt fall far from the tree? snuf u can av a go now XD

  9. why hello lil miss sezzlebottomfluff, howdo gurty

    ok ok i guess The Specimen

  10. i do good spankoo snuffleton how is everyone else?

    my guess wud be Love Birds

    i think we cud be a while 🙂

  11. ok i just seen diff name on squidthing on ami pk but on etsy its Cold Rain On Warm Skin
    so that was my first guess

    gonna go with Fallen next

    is it just me n you sez, tis a bit scary init.. all spooky n quiet

  12. My guess is “I found my family in a book”.

  13. looks for the wabbit

  14. hmm The Embrace me thinks

  15. shhhhh we’re huntin wabbits

  16. maybe a “second opinion” ?
    gets out the big pot for the rabbit

  17. Porridge

    mmmmmmmmm rabbit stew with dumplins

  18. i like porridge but i dont like rabbit stew ick

  19. wudnt no havent tried either pmsl

  20. you never had porridge. where you been all ya life woman?

  21. sheltered safe from porride lol

  22. pah oats!! lmao

    ok umm sirena we heard whispers

    where is everyone? is there a good film on or what?

  23. no snuf, my fellas butt gas has poisoned everyone :omg: their all unconcious

    the throw away doll

  24. have to say lmao, when i read the blog and read bout the blood tests then i saw the big red blob i thought it was a blood test sample PMSL

  25. ok last try for tonight for two reasons
    Sweet Rabbit dreams
    coz im gonna bed and it got a rabbit
    sezzle good luck matey xxx
    et all too…x

  26. nightynight snuffleton i guess stupid cupid and i bid u goodnight xxxx

  27. Prob already said but I guess “freedom”

  28. hmm toothache wont lemme go bed 🙁
    i lost my heart

  29. my first guess is weight to much girl in blue. Love and Hugs Katt hope everyone is having fun.

  30. Humm not sure if anyone guessed it maybe its the_specimen 🙂

  31. I guess Freedom. 🙂

  32. what did that widdle bunny ever do to you?! lol

    i’m thinking its “I wanted to be a dancer” the little pink ballet dancer …

    loving the new tubes Suzanne – they are delightful!
    Robyn (the OTHER other one)

  33. Well my second guess is Skin Deep. Hugs Katt 🙂

  34. I also think that it is one of the new ones called Love Letters. It looks like letters down around the bottom. Hugs Katt 🙂

  35. Okay I am going to take a guess
    is it the get away?

    And suzanne this newest pack is so amazing, I have played and played with them already lol
    hope you are well

  36. Is it manumission?

  37. or even with a bump?

  38. Good Morning guys hope all is well with everyone in the woolcott household


  39. Okay my guess which is a guess lol.I dont know the name of the piece but on ami website its in pack 19 and is SW198
    thought i would try. Love stopping by and reading the posts regularly. 🙂

  40. Good grief my eyes won’t let me even guess. Very tricky one that is! lol. You are sweet to post the tag, I actually ended up writing a tutorial for it so now I see it everywhere… lol.

    Good luck everyone!


  42. The throw away doll?

  43. Hia Robyn , mmm poor bunny ate all the carrots lmao

  44. Loads of good guesses… its weird but when i look at it I can see it every time… I thought this would be easier than last weeks.. lol. still keeps you guys busy.

  45. Mr G I think you see it so easy because you know what it is LOL

    My next guess it “stillness”

  46. after a good meal and some red wine i’m thinking its Celtic Comfort

    (squinting doesnt help lol)

  47. Im thinking it was Southern Comfort and not red wine!! lol

  48. ok finished the bottle and i’m convinced its Hazel!
    but might need chocolate to confirm – am i allowed to make a 2nd guess already since no one else seems to be awake at this hour (its 1am Sydney time)
    enjoy your weekend!

  49. is it the image …did you forget?