Alright my hearties?

By on 3-20-2009 in Originals, Prints

beary much

Ah its another sunny-but-cold day here, two days in a row, that’s officially Spring dont’cha know ! 🙂 .. I’m still in my super-productive mode, can’t believe how much I’m managing to get done arond here ! ( Need to go get stitched up again too argh !) .. maybe tomoro !

My newest project is ‘Gorjuss At Heart‘, little originals that are on wooden hearts, and come in ‘bunches’ .. awww ! .. tied with pretty ribbon, you can hang them in your home, and they’ll brighten any space..  more photos of them to come, this is the first ‘bunch’ , called ‘I Love You Beary Much’  .. I’ll be releasing these at the same time, so a few more bunches and they’ll be for sale in a special ‘shop update’ , stay tuned for a time and a date 😀

Lovely little miss gorjuss-ette modeled these for us Yesterday, along with a new tote bag, ‘Torn’ on a black bag, it’s in the Etsy shop  now, and I’ll be adding it to the gorjuss Art shop soon!

like a puppet

The original of this ( ‘Like A Puppet’) is heading to the New York ‘Sketch It Out..’ Exhibition soon (with a few friends!) ..shown here digitally coloured, the original is just black & white..

The GorjussArt customer survey has gained lots of answers, thanks to everyone who have taken the time to answer our questions, we’ll post the results soon!

friday night giveaway!

And finally, its Friiiiiday ! Time for some Friday Night Giveaways ! .. leave a comment, enter in the draw .. simple !

We again wanted a theme to keep it interesting……….. today animal names,  What I’d like to see is clever ways to sneak an animal into conversation… I hope that elephant one will manage to follow the rules, this time we dont want cheaters.

Oh the prize is the sumly amount of $21 Gift Certificate to spend in

To make a comment, click the “COMMENTS” text at the bottom of this post and scroll down to the reply box.

Best Of Luck Everyone.

-Suzanne x


  1. hi all I had a whale of a time Reading the comments LOL

  2. I wish I was a well loved lap cat. I would sit around all day on my owners and sleep.

  3. Alice, you poor thing being sick. Have fun shopping!

    Popstrel, would that be an ad that can be found on YouTube? I’d love to know what you’re laughing about.

    A cat named Dim Sim… LOL I like that one!

    So, what’s the buzz this afternoon? We’ve been fortunate to not have hail with our rain for once.

  4. I must say the song from the Dr. Doolittle movie comes to mind. Rex Harrison singing If you could talk to the animals learn their languages, chatting to a chimp in chimpanzee….
    Love that song

  5. Can’t wait to see who wins this whale of a contest.

  6. I take it back. The hail with the rain just arrived… Time to go swimming… with the polar bears? LOL

  7. ** C L O S E D **

    The Friday Night Giveaway is now closed, thank you for all your comments!
    New blog post announcing the winner coming shortly!