forget-me-not (& a giveaway!)

By on 7-31-2009 in Competitions / Contests, New Paintings, Prints

Hello my lovelies, another week has passed and it’s been one of busy painting days around the house-of-gorj, I also received a wonderful suprise from Santoro by snail mail today but I cant show you all yet.. trust me Santoro are working on amaaazing things and you’re all gonna be happy gorjuss people! (thank you everyone at Santoro !)

forget-me-not title


Here’s the third painting of the week, Forget-me-not.. Prints of her available in the shops ( http://www.gorjussart.comΒ  & ) πŸ™‚

I was going to take a few days off next week but instead ( and more realistically) I’m setting the goal of just ‘taking it easier’ next week, not so many paintings!! .. I have a wee Op on Monday, nothing major, and need time to recover from it tho! Yes I know.. another one.. *sigh*Β  Please be patient with response times next week as Mr G will be handling most of it on his own!


Yes its that time again, this week we’re giving away…

dear alice title

A HUUUUUGE 16″ x 20″ print of Dear Alice ( on heavy lustre paper.. much better than posters!)Β  Thats $60 worth of print, and it could be yours !

To Enter ..

On The Blog: Simply tell us what Alice In Wonderland character you would be and why…. Add a comment to this post (Down the bottom there) detailing what character you would be and give a good reason why.. we’ll pick one via and they will WIN…. it doesn’t really get much easier.. If your comment doesn’t appear at first… it just means we need to Authorise it.. don’t panic.

On Twitter:Β  Just hit the RETWEET button at the top of this blog entry and send it !Β  Only one retweet per person will be counted ( we dont like twitter spam) .. and all your gorjuss tweets will be counted and numbered and chosen by !

YOU CAN DO BOTH… and double your chances of winning ( hurrah!)Β 

**Please note if you are reading this update via facebook you must comment on the blog at to enter!

Good luck !

-Suzanne x


  1. I would be the Dormouse…Then I could curl up in your pocket and take care of you on Monday…I`m lucky I don`t have to go back to Harefield Hospital untill the begining of December…Sending lots of positive, gorjuss, thoughts and blessings.
    love and hugz
    Stevieanne :)*

  2. I would be The Cheshire Cat because I am a good listener and like to help people. I also spend a lot of time just wishing I could disappear from sight.

  3. Gorjuss pics, as always Suzanne

    Good luck on Monday with your op and I hope Mr G doesn’t get to overwelmed coping on his own

    on to the alice question…..for me it would have to be The Cheshie Cat πŸ™‚
    My tribe and I currently live in Cheshire, not far from the Alice in Wonderland church (OMG thats the most wonderful church ever!!)
    The Cheshire Cat is always smiling, that big cheesy grin and although I may not smile on the outside all the time, inside I am always smiling…..
    Also my very first nick when I hit the net and chats/msn groups etc etc was
    The Cheshire Cat

  4. Now I have to agree with Monti – the Cheshire Cat, of course. Being a cat lover, having a positive attitude (or at least trying to) and being an observer of what’s going on around me – what better Alice in Wonderland character could I choose?

  5. Tweeted!

    Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much!!



  6. The Mad Hatte would be my choice.Tea parties and being rude suit me quite nicely (lol). Being a witness at a trial would not be cool. Oh yes, I am a wee bit on the mad on the mental health side.

  7. First of all, best wishes for you on Monday Suzanne.

    I think I would have to be Alice and take the ‘medicine’ to make me tall as I’m less than 5 feet tall and a few more inches would be good!

  8. If I were an Alice in Wonderland character I would be the cheshire cat. It would be awesome to be able to disappear and reappear whenever/wherever I wanted…and the cheshire cat is marked as the only character on Alice in Wonderland that listens to Alice…I am a good listener, so we are alike in that instance.

    I created an animation in school a few years back of Alice in Wonderland…I hand drew and colored every piece throughout the presentation. If you care to take a look… ( )

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would be so honored to have one of your prints!!!!



  9. The Cheshire Cat – the madness, the freedom & no one cares if you’re a lil crazy to boot cause they’re all a lil crazy as well lol

  10. Have to go with Alice! Lol. Simply because of the name. πŸ˜‰

  11. You are very creative lately Suzanne, I love your latest illustrations πŸ™‚

    As for the giveaway, and my entry, I would be The White Rabbit because I’m always late for everything in life! It must be a friend meeting, a professional appointment, a special occasion with family…. anything. I’m always late! Not to mention that I always need extra time for my commissions in Art LOL . And I’m always doing thousand things at the same time, I really should slow down sometimes..

    (I’d love to be Alice too, to discover TONS of fabulous things)

  12. I’d be the Mad Hatter. I am very cynical at times (there are people who call it “rude”, can you imagin? LOL) and I looooove to celebrate my un-birthday with looots of presents (shiny!) several times a month ;o)

  13. Wow how gorgeous is she !!!

    Well for me it will have to be Alice. Life most days feels like I’m in wonderland that’s for sure. Going through a nightmare of a year 2009 lol. Hoping next year will allow me to escape out of wonderland lolol. Seems like when one bad weird thing happens .. it’s followed by more than one lol.

    Thanks so much for another great chance to win a gorgeous prize πŸ™‚

  14. Easy… The Queen Of Hearts

    Just to be able to shout OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!! whenever I want to LOL

    If it were true I would live in a really quiet city, everyone sooo polite and not cutting my way when I ride my bicycle… Ahhhh! I’d like that πŸ˜‰

  15. I would probably be the Rabbit because I feel like I’m always going wide open and I feel like I am always running late.

    Although being Alice and getting to have that adventure would be nice too!

  16. Hey There, I am a HUGE fan of Alice in Wonderland … She is my fav. Disney Character and it is my all time fav. Disney Movie πŸ™‚

    I Love that portrait you did … GORGEOUS!

    I would like to be Alice …. She is young full of life and goes on this amazing journey into another world where she learns about new things, learns the values in the lil things and learns a few things about herself …………..

    I would love to step into Wonderland for one day and just see how things are outside my busy world and maybe perhaps learn a few things about myself along the way ….

    Thank you soo much for having this contest ……………..

    Bigg Huggs!

  17. I would be the cheshire cat, because I am mysterious and insightful. I do beleive I was a cat of some sort in a previous life. They are like my kindred spirits.

  18. Oh goodie! I love this painting of Alice!

    I would have to say I would be The Mad Hatter. I’m am quite mad at times…lol.

  19. I would be Alice as she loves to see things that are different and loves life. Adventures in life are the best …l love them and seeing new things like Alice.

    Hugs lee xx

  20. Suzanne l love the new painting its amazing

    Hugs lee xx

  21. I would have to say the cheshire cat… I’m a little kooky and just don’t care about what you think! Plus I’m a smart alec sometimes πŸ˜‰

  22. Heya! What a fabulous giveaway tonight πŸ™‚

    In Alice in Wonderland, I think I’ll be… the White Rabbit: he’s always in a hurry and fears to be late for what he has to accomplish. By the way, I think he’s a kind of guide through Wonderland but he has NO IDEA of it.

  23. Hi Suzanne i hope all goes well on Monday, my fingers are crossed for you all the best ! my son charlie also sends he best wishes .. he was 13 today omg he makes me feel old lol

    btw i love the new girls keep up the awesome work !

    right down to business lol i would say Alice purely as her name is Alice lol

    oh and good luck Mr G i hope you have a good week

  24. This was a tough decision for me, it was either Alice or the Mad Hatter but I finally decided on Alice. Alice is a day dreamer & I always find myself doing that now. She goes on a wonderful adventure & I would love to do the same because I love doing new things.

    The new painting is completely amazing πŸ™‚

  25. oh wow lovely picture me wants πŸ˜€

    I would be the Caterpillar because even though he appears to be very rude he does show a different side and is very helpful to Alice

  26. Hi Suzanne, a lovely giveaway yet again
    I would be the Dormouse all snuggly and oblivious to the arguments of life around me, just waking up when its all over.

    Retweeted too I am joby14

  27. @acguest

    I would be the Caterpillar who sits around all day chilled out smoking the big pipe, I don’t actually smoke so I would switch the pipe for a nice glass of chilled wine instead (and possibly some chocolate too) … relax πŸ™‚

  28. Hi Suzanne, lovely print!
    Well when I read this, my family was sitting around me and I asked their opinion and everyone agreed the Cheshire Cat. I don’t even think they thought twice when answering. LOL I guess its because I’m always in the background observing whats going on. But I can be mischievous when I want to be. And we mustn’t forget the grin. You never know what I’m up to! πŸ˜‰

  29. I would most definitely have to be Alice. First because I feel like I live in Wonderland already with all the chaos that three little boys bring…and second because I already have the dress (oh yes I do!) ; ^ )

    Suzanne, I hope things go well on Monday and that you rest up and feel better very soon. I know Mr. G will take fantastic care of you!

    Love this new painting…absolutely beautiful!


  30. I sure feel like the Red Queen around my house lately, I think my husband would agree πŸ˜‰

    I hope all goes well for you on Monday…

  31. Defiinitely I would want to be Alice. She gets to have all the adventure!

  32. I would be the March Hare (i think that’s the one who says “no time to say hello- goodbye I’m late, I’m late, I’m late) lol. I’m always in a rush and yet everything still has to be perfect. I’m the one who is an hour early to an appointment and stuff like that. Me and my 3 little girls use to joke about it all the time. They would say ” say it mommy say it” lol wanting me to say that line in a silly tone.

  33. Oh I would have to say The Queen of Hearts! I would love to go around yelling “Off With Their Heads!”
    Lovely paintings this week suzanne so pretty! I hope you get some rest this week!
    Hugs, Stef

  34. I would be Alice for sure… I am always ready to fall through the looking glass into my next adventure!!

  35. Hmm…I’d probably be Alice. She gets the funky goth-loli clothing, no matter the version of the story; a kitten; grand adventures; and comes out better for it all. Definitely Alice.

  36. I think I would be the rabbit, allways in a rush, clock in hand.

    oh and the painting is adorable!

  37. Wow Gorjuss Painting suzanne, I LOVE it, Good luck with your wee op!!
    hope all goes well!

    Okay the Character I would LOVE to be is Alice, What an amazing adventure she has
    and wow what a great imagination as well, I remember day dreaming as a child when reading this book, and always thought I WOULD Love to be Alice.
    to see the things she see’s to have a tea party with the mad hatter. To play the queen of hearts ………..just imagine hehehe

    thanks for the chance at such an amazing prize

  38. Love the new painting!

    I think I’d be the March Hare. I was born in March, and a lot of people think I am mad.:-) I would be delighted to own a collection of clocks shaped like a hare’s head, and I am always ready for tea time.:-)

  39. I would be the vampire, oh wait…
    There wasn’t a vampire in Alice In Wonderland huh??? (blushing)

  40. Hmmmm Alice and the Vampire?!?!
    I might have something here huh??

  41. Alice in Transylvania?

  42. Ohhh I would love to be Alice…..
    With the new meds i am on i sometimes feel like i am having my own little adventure…lmao….

    Hope everything goes well on Monday Suzanne, I know Mr G will take good care of you…

  43. Look at me only thinking of me πŸ™
    I hope all goes well Monday and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    MrG. will take good care of you I am sure!!

  44. Ohhh and I just LOVE the new little girl……..She is Awesome…..

  45. I think I would be the rabbit, cause he gets stressed out easily like I do, and cause he’s a bunneeeeyy. πŸ™‚ I pray your surgery goes well!

  46. Love the new girl!

    I’m torn between whether I would be the Mad Hatter or the Cheshire Cat – I always saw the Cheshire cat with his disappearing and reappearing on whim and that grin as having a devious side, too, so I’m leaning toward Cheshire Cat. Although I played the Queen of Hearts in an elementary school play and I could just see me sitting around, ordering the peons about, even to the point of yelling, “Off with their Heads!” lol

  47. Hi Suzanne! Good luck on your operation Monday..will send healing thoughts your way! So, who would I like to be in Alice in Wonderland, huh? Well, since I am a cat person..I’d have to go with the cheshire cat! I love his great big grin, the way he’s so mischevious and then disappears all the time (until you least expect him, lol)!! I like to smile all the matter what is going on, and my oh my, the tricks I (ermm, we) play on our friends and singing group! And yep..I’m good at disappearing, learned that as a kid..spent alot of time hiding, lol! So even though there is the shy mysterious side of us (cheshire cat & me) we are also pranksters!! Big hugs to ya!

  48. oh the painting of Dear Alice, and the new one of Forget me not..simply GORJUSS!!

  49. Alice in transilvania,.. sounds like a videogame jeje
    interesting.. πŸ˜›

  50. Love the new painting!

    I’d be Alice if I could because my curiousity always has me going off in new directions to find uncharted territory.