Friday Night Giveaway & Quick Tags pk 5

By on 2-26-2010 in New Release, Sig Tag Stuff

Thank you all for the positive response to our tube pack releases, we’re so pleased you like them so much ! We have one more pack for you today, a Quick Tag pack, perfect for those of you new to digital designing!  Find it in the shop now!

pack 5

It matches new pack 42 very well ! .. catch it now: 





friday night giveaway

win !

All you have to do to enter the giveaway is:To Enter:  Leave a comment here, telling us where you would hang these prints?.. in your home, office, bedroom?.. or better still, show us a photo of your lonely wall, or your gorjuss collection that needs more company !

for a second chance..

To Enter on Twitter: We have a prize available for a twitterer winnerer too !  Just hit the RETWEET button at the top of this blog and your RT will be entered into a draw too ( the winning tweet will be chosen by too!)Closes: Tomorrow at around 10pm GMT ( gorjuss time is shown on the blog clock!) Winner decided by  For Facebook readers, comments must be submitted on the actual blog You can enter as many times as you want on the blog ( only one entry on twitter) just no back to back posting ( i.e someone should post between your posts!)Good luck !-Suzanne x


  1. I would love a chance to win the Gorjuss prints! My dining room wall is looking a little bit bare! Thank you for the chance!

  2. I would hang some in my living room and some in my bathroom to cover a giant hole from where my landlord is working on the pipes! plz pick me i’m tired of the hole LOL

    have a great night everyone

  3. I would hang at least 2 or 3 in a room we call our *library.* I think they would look amazing in this country primitive style decorated room.

    The other prints, I might gift one to my daughter-in-law, who I love dearly. The remaining gorjuss goodies would hang in my living room ~ I want to show them off!

  4. I would hang them at my office at work!!




  6. I already have some prints hanging up in my den/home office, so I would put these with them!

    Your talent is amazing. Your pictures remind me so much of my childhood and I feel so good when I look at them. Thanks for sharing what you have with all of us!

    Happy weekend!!!

  7. I would hang some in my bedroom and some in my living room their just so pretty i wouldn’t have a problem hanging them anywhere in my home!

  8. I could also put them in my art room. They would be very inspirational as I go about my creative process. Thank you.

  9. These are so awesome! I’d hang one on the other wall I have in my living room to match the one I have hanging already 🙂

  10. I’d hang them in my bed room until we move the I hope to have my Angels out again and I’d add the Girls to the living room or maybe even an office if we have one….. But I don’t ever win anything so good luck to everyone!!!

  11. OH Goodness! I just love your work. As a struggling mom of 3, I would love to put these beautiful pictures in my own private place… My room! You are a generous person, thanks for the opportunity to win these wonderful prints. *hugs* to you!

  12. Well First off I have to say they are Gorjuss…Im so happy to see you makeing tubes and artwork again..And If I won these awesome Prints They be the First Prints that I won of your Work.Well Let see I put a Few on my wall next to my computer as they be Inspirational as I make My tags with Your awesome artwork…And I’d have to hang the other ones in my daughter Room on her art wall as She think your art is Just so Cute . She watches me make tags with Your Art and Says It is So cute.I also showed her the video of you drawing fox and she just was like wow..So maybe it be a Inspirational art for her to.

  13. I have a long wall in my bedroom that has yet to be painted where they would be so lovely in a gallery. Thank you!

  14. Beautiful prints. I would put them on my staircase. That way everyone can see them as well as me.
    Tracy xx

  15. Wow, I love the new prints. They are so beautiful.

    I will hang them in my living room for all to see and enjoy as much as I will. I have a few and these would be added to my collection of Suzanne’s lovely artwork. What a fabulous display I would have then.
    I am getting excited just thinking about it.


  16. i would give all 6 lovely prints to my adoring Wife Mouthie.. she been hounding me for a yr to get her a print or 2.. these 6 would do wonders for her.. it would cheer up her unahppy start to 2010..
    Much Love and good luck to all..
    Dboy :d

  17. i would hang them in our hall which has been recently decorated and these would brighten it up. They would be on show for everyone, not conined to a certain room which not everyone uses

  18. They could keep my lonely Alice In Wonderland print company in the recroom/computer room and upstairs in the livingroom 🙂 Beautiful work, Suzanne!

  19. Mine would be hung in my daughters bedroom – she is just turning from a pink princess into a little (well blimmin tall skinny malinky) goth rock princess. She would love these to bits!

  20. theses prints are Gorjuss!!! i would hang these up in our living room where i can admire them all day every day! great work Suzanne!

  21. I will hang them above my piano and on the note board i have in my room where i will be able th fix them with my gorjuss magnets !

  22. I am sure if I won these I would have to fight my 13 y/o daughter over them lol and possibly my 8 y/o …… they know good art when they see it!!

  23. Hi everyone at Gorjuss HQ.
    I really love all things Gorjuss and as much as I would like to keep them all to hang them in my craft room for inspiration, I would share them with my beautiful 4 month old niece Lola Ella Mae. She is my only niece and I love her to bits, she is simply GORJUSS!! So I will be keeping everything crossed in the hope WE win xxx

  24. These prints would both go in my office above my desk at home, and on my filing cabinet at work. I have nothing on my walls at work and need stuff to brighten them up!

  25. Hello gorjusspeeps, I made a scrap to show why I would love to have the gorjussgirls in my new bathroom… it needs some GorjussTLC. But I can’t post a link to the picture in here I think… it won’t show up for some reason so I did sent it to your addy’s too…as you said a picture can say it all 🙂
    Big hugs from Paola

  26. I have two Gorjuss girls alone on a BIG wall and they really need som company.. But the new hights girl would need to go into my youngest daughters room that she will be getting soon, her big sis got a gorjuss girl in her room so she will need one too.

  27. I want them =)) i will hang on the walls of my living room..

  28. They are all gorgeous!

    I would hang one in the bathroom and the rest in the bedrooms.I’d have the kitty one in my bedroom 🙂

    Good luck ladies!

  29. I would hang those gorgeous prints in my bedroom…I may share a few with my two girls who share a bedroom. They need some nice prints. 🙂

  30. I would hang all them in my craft room.. I love all the new items!!! The girls are as adorable as can be and the QP’s are so pretty!!!! Hope you are feeling so much better!

  31. I would hang them in my room; its walls are of a bright pink and they’d be a lovely complement to them! 🙂

  32. Lovely prints! I’ve hung my other two in the room where my grand-daughter stays when she visits, so these would look great there – a whole wall of gorjuss. She’s 15, too cool for most things, but she loves these girlies!

  33. I would hang ‘My Secret Place’ in the laundry as it I like my laundry room to look more like a sunny, happy space than a drab laundry (and it’s my ‘secret place’ because I’m the only one who ever seems to actually do any washing in this house, lol!).
    ‘Gallup’, with it’s combined air of whimsy and budding defiance, would have to be in the playroom, where there’s my stubborn little boy’s toys, together with some of my Sandman sculptures, live together in perfect synergy.
    ‘New Heights’ would find a fine home alongside our bookshelves, which are laden with a vast array of novels… encouraging our imaginations to stretch above and beyond our wildest dreams.
    ‘My Best Friend’ would indeed be a gift to my very own best friend, who I met in kindergarten 30 years ago… an even more fitting bestowment for her, as she has 3 cats that she loves dearly. They are her ‘babies’, especially after a recent bitter divorce.
    ‘Family Ties’ belongs amidst our many family photo frames, reminding us of the close bond between all of our immediate and extended family and friends 🙂
    And finally, ‘The Black/Star’ would hold a special place in my home office, where a few of my other precious gorjuss prints currently adorn the once bare and lifeless walls… together with the prints I already have, it would be my inspiration, my comfort and my solace as I go about my daily work for hours on end.

  34. I’d hang them in my living room above the fireplace for everyone to see as soon as they walked in the door. There’s such a large space there and I’ve never quite figured out what to display before. And since that’s the room we’re always in, my family and friends can enjoy the Gorjuss-ness all day long.

  35. Aww so many perfect places to hang gorjuss prints !!

    The contest is now CLOSED, thank you ALL for your entries, pop back in a few minutes to find out if you won !