Please Read

By on 8-18-2010 in Important Updates

It is almost a year since Suzanne’s spine operation and the issues it generated (hole in her spinal cord, multiple operations to fix it and then contracting menengitis) and I find myself in deep reflection of where we are and what our future holds,

The medical profesion has left us in a little nothingness, the current situation is however frustrating and draining.  We have tried our best to keep the severity of our situation private as it prove to be distressing to Suzanne to discuss it, but now we need your support more than ever.  I want you all to be part of keeping Suzanne’s artwork alive through this difficult nightmare. Making this post feels a bit  like giving up and has proven to be extremely difficult to write.

I have raided her Sketch books to find originals and unused images to create new artworks from but the truth is we are running short of suitable designs, Suzanne continues to keep  exercising her arms and hands to try to keep her abilities up to scratch but Sketches that may have taken an hour are now taking weeks, she isnt happy with the quality of them!  This is due to loss of feeling in her arms and legs and the constant pain she experiences.  The medications are strong and make her so tired and irritable and often cause her to be unable to think straight.  It has lead us to thinking of closing the shop and for me to seek part time work around the time I spend caring for her.  Sadly the time she requires makes even a part time job out of the question and instead we hope that the gorjussart and etsy shop will contribute to keep our bills paid.  Unfortunately as the months have progressed the lack of new works have taken their toll and we face stark financial problems, we do still have options available to us but I worry about our immediate future.

It has been a roundabout of highs and lows and it has taken its toll on me and I am struggling to keep up with emails and errors are creeping into the orders.  In order to make things more sustainable I am looking at setting a day specifically for making and shipping orders, rather than the current 48 hr options.  It will affect delivery times to a small degree, but will actually allow me to focus fully on the orders and hopefully help getting orders out on time and correctly.  At the moment I am hoping to make this day a Friday or possibly Weds, I may need to alternate it each week.   We are hoping to find a way for Suzanne to create artworks in her own time without the pressures of trying to pay the bills, and we do have some interesting ideas to share with you, please support us by letting us know if the idea is any good or not.  Time is a luxury we are struggling to find.

I’ll explain a little of how a typical day goes from Suzanne’ s point of view.

She will be woken by myself to get her to take her morning meds before I take the kids to school, she is rarely aware of what day it is and often has no movement or feeling in her legs and sometimes her arms.  The pain is intolerable and often as she wakes the squeals of pain start and I have to help her move the affected limbs and possibly rub them to help the feeling start to return ( to HER normal range of feeling!), normally this feels like the limbs are on fire for her and I find it so difficult to put her through this.  After a few hours the limbs usually come back under her control but are so weakened.

After dropping the kids at School I head home to help Suzanne get her morning routines completed, often I have to wake her again for this and the short journey on crutches to the onsuite bathroom is becoming more and more difficult. More often than not I have to carry her to and from the bathroom, other than this journey Suzanne goes nowhere. The only time we have to take her anywhere is to the hospitals and that is a process that utterly breaks my heart.  I can not possibly explain how painful it is to put Suzanne in the passenger car seat, lower it back so she can lie on her side with cushions everywhere and then set off on a journey of her screaming in agony all the way there and back.  Even in her wheelchair the pain persists and by the time we are seen she can’t answer simple questions like her name.

Our immediate goals are to get her able to sit in her wheelchair comfortably so thatour previous ‘normal’ life may become a possibility again, anything that allows us a degree of what we used to love back, but we have no guarantee’s that this will ever happen.  This is something that I have come to realise I have not accepted yet, I have attended many carers group meetings and now realise that I still hold expectations for our future that are now unrealistic.  It is so simple to assume that she will improve with time but the damage may be permanant. The orginal operation that left a hole in her spinal cord, the loss of CSF fluids, the many surgical procedures to fix the hole and the menengitis have all played a part in her current condition.  All could have lead to this damage, the only medical opinion we have is that if it doesn’t improve soons, it more than likely never will. Tthings are slowly getting worse, its so hard to know what positives we have when things are just getting more and more difficult.  We have exhibitions that are near impossible to get new materials for and again I scour old sketch books to find unused gems, sometimes Suzanne will colour them with her amazing pens over the weeks, and it leaves everything so last minute to ship to the exhibitions in time.

We decided we needed to involve you all in this situation not for sympathy but more for your understanding and support.  You all sent words of support and prayers when Suzanne was in hospital and this was a wonderful crutch, what we need from you now is the same, and please do not worry about ordering and filling my plate or overwhelming us with work, I will make time to get orders out with support to look after Suzanne for that day, this will be easier as the support services become more available to us.

The only thing we ask is to not request custom works or commission for the current time, we will make it very obvious if a time arises where this becomes a possibility again.

We promise we will do everything we can to keep our shop open, and keep you all updated through the dark times… and please do keep an eye on the wonderful products that Santoro are making (2011 diaries out now), and please do get your local shops to contact them to stock items.  Santoro is our bright future and we hope Suzanne will be able to build on it in time in some way.   For all the exhibitions, we are moving mountains to get works that are unused and exciting and unseen (including new works made over the weeks) with the new frames we have that are amazing, so please do pop by to see the works and if you love them, support us by buying them.

We know this is a difficult financial time for the world, and money is difficult to find, and with so many good causes around asking us for support and donations, I just have to say Sorry, we would love to donate and help but we’re struggling to keep our house as it is, and all our time is used up with Suzanne’s care needs and the needs of day to day life.  We have donated earlier in the year to some charities, and we love to support them when we can.  I hope we can support these causes again in the near future.

Thank you for your attention and please do encourage people who may be interested to read this post, and please comment below. Do not worry about hoping Suzanne will get well soon, its something I continue to do even in the reality of its unlikliness.

Before you all warn me to take it easy and make time for myself, I have spent months growing a support network of people that I can moan at and run to with problems, these are wonderful external services that I only wish were easy to find, our local carers centre has made all of this possible and I owe them a lot.  So I will be looked after so that I can continue to care for Suzanne to the highest degree.  Thank you all for your support in the past, and I thank you all for your continued support.

Best Wishes

Mr G.


  1. Suzanne and Grant, I'm so sorry to read of your troubles! How horrible for a great creative artist like Suzanne to suffer so. I can only say how extremely empathetic I am for your plight and I hope her medical issues find a good solution soon. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm going over to the store to buy some images for my tag-making. I hope everyone who reads this does something to assist you financially. I just wish there was more I could do! Sending loving friendship: ArtfulOne Jill, a big fan!

  2. Just sending you all hugs and hope you find strength knowing there are people out here wishing Suzanne good health, hugs from Wales xx

  3. I will pray for you both everyday. Try and keep your head up.

  4. Just wanted to say my thoughts are with you and I hope for a full recovery for Suzanne. Keep strong … sending love and strength …Sarah in manchesterx

  5. Lord, I ask you to help Suzanne and her family through this terrible journey… Give her strength to overcome each obstacle and restore her spinal fluid as it should be… I ask you to be a rock for the family that cares for her, and help them w/ their financial burdens… I ask this in Jesus name… Amen

    You will continually be in my prayers…hugs, KilaKalina

  6. You guys are in my thoughts in prayers…ALWAYS.

  7. Praying for Suzanne and all involved and will spread the word.

  8. Dear Suzanne, I really dont know what to say…I had no idea your health problems were so bad. I will include you in my prayers, for your pain to lessen and your health to improve. Stay strong and know your many many fans are your friends too, each one is praying to their own God to make you well again.
    Mr G ~ you take my breath away, its so obvious how much you love Suzanne and you are both lucky to have each other.
    Much love to you both

    Les aka Midnite Kiss

  9. Thank you for sharing this and I so feel for Suzanne and yourself and empathise with her. I have a similar, although relapsing / remitting spinal syndrome and its hard to adjust to changing goals and family life but it can be done – its not an easy road but you sound such a strong family and that will help Suzanne so much. I am in England and was fortunate to be referred to an excellent pain team who helped me learn to manage it and do some of the things that give me pleasure, I can drive again now with hand controls for example and visit friends. I'm 3 years on from a major relapse and whilst I still have mini ones -weeks not months – I am still progressing with my walking and general independence – so please don't think 2 years is a cut off point, it not. Will keep you both in my prayers xxx

  10. Suzanne & MrG
    My heart goes out to both of you. You are both in our thoughts and prayers. We will be hosting a contest at our forum to help support Suzanne's Gorjuss Art.
    We all love Suz's work & we pray that she finds some relief from her pain.
    Sending Love, Prayers, Support and Hugs
    Blaze & Lori
    Owners of Signature Sensations

  11. I am so sorry to hear this and I will keep Suzanne, you, the family, and those attending Suzanne in my thoughts and prayers!

  12. My Prayers go out to you guys! God bless you and may she get better soon :o) I just love yous art work that you share with us!Big hugs and My prayers are with yous???
    Yolanda B

  13. My Prayers go out to you and Suzanne I love her work and
    the smiles her little girls bring. Thank you for letting us know
    how she is. She is a talented Lady and God will see her thru this
    Huggers and Much Love

  14. My heart breaks as I read of your current situation. How could the original surgery have gone so so wrong. God bless you both and light your path as you continue to struggle with the realities and day to day hardships. You'll continue to be in my prayers each and every day. Financially I'm not able to help, but you have my heartfelt promise that I will continue to pray for you both. God bless and keep you. *HUGS*

  15. I am so very sorry to hear of the trials you are going through. My heart is breaking as I read the words you have so eloquently written. Please know that I am keeping you all in my prayers.
    Your artwork is like sunshine to my day. I treasure each one. Whatever this situation brings, know that we all love and support you.

  16. Mr G what about children's short stories using her art?? There is a profitable market in that range with Madonna breaking in with Lil Rose it makes me think Gorjuss Art would be perfect for something like that. You are in my prayers I cannot understand all this pain she is in. I am so sorry you have to live seeing your loved one hurt so much. Nor her having to go threw all that. I hope this idea helps you out a bit (hugs)

    p.s. you could even try to contact a few childrens writers and show them examples of her work I know this is easier said then done but I was wondering if maybe you could get someone to help you that will only take there bit from the money earned for these ideas if that makes sense to you

  17. May the Lord be with you both and bring healing

  18. My prayers and thoughts go out to Suzanne and your family!!! I will spend the word. ((hugs))

  19. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you Susanne
    You are in my Heart and in my prayers,
    because you're special and because I care.

    Love Veronica

  20. You's are in my thoughts and prayers.

  21. Best of Prayers & great thoughts are headed your way. I'm very sorry to hear about your situation and cant even imagine how Suzanne must feel. I will be buying some of her art as soon as I get some money. I wish we could help more.

  22. Much love and prayers to you both. I know God will be with you through this trying time.

  23. My heart goes out to you, how cruel it is that she contracted Meningitus as well. Suzanne is a very talented young girl. I`ll keep an eye on your blog to see what is happening. lots of love nand hugs xxxx

  24. I just wanted to say I love Suzanne's work and my thoughts and prayers are with her.

  25. Dear Mr G
    I love, love, love your wife's art. I've been a fan of hers for ages. Always have, always will. So many tutorials use her art in their tags. Gives me such joy seeing them. I pray for her to be in less pain. I had an accident with a semi-truck and I lost. So I KNOW pain. It wears you out so fast and it's hard to smile. Laughter is the best medicine! I was wondering if there was anyway she could have swimming pool therapy (hot water). Does your local hospital offer therapy? Is she on Medicaid? Pool therapy REALLY works! I can't stress it enough. Helps move those muscles, etc., that hurt to do so on land. So much easier in the water. Please check it out for her. She will love it! Please tell her I'm a number one fan of her artwork. I wish I'd win the lottery here in WA State so I could buy all of her work!!! You betcha! God Bless you all. My prayers are with you! Hugs, Hillary

  26. Dear Mr G
    I was also thinking maybe you could have her artwork on T-Shirts (please all sizes….up to 3X at least), school supplies (backpacks, lunch boxes), mouse pads, gel pads. Her artwork is so well known, I can't imagine any supplier not wanting to add that on a great selling item. Cross-stitching would be fun. What about asking Hallmark if they'd add it to their cards. I'd buy anything that had a Gorjuss on it! Possibly have the link on your website also and available online. I'll be thinking. Sending my love and prayers again.

  27. Dearest Suzy & Mr. G ~ I am moved to tears. I suffer from chronic back pain, but cannot imagine the agonizing pain you've described above with which Suzy contends. I would, in a heartbeat, help out in any way I could, if I lived in Scotland. I hope that my love and heart-felt prayers will help in some small way. God bless you both. ?

  28. I am terrible sad to here how much pain she is in and all the hardships you guys are facing. I agree with many of the ideas for raising money plus may I suggest releasing older artwork of Suzanne's? I am talking about the images she had available through GILD (if they are available for use). I always get asked where one can get those images when I use them in tags.

  29. Dear Ones, It makes my heart hurt to hear your description of the pain Suzanne endures on a daily basis. Prayers are flying up to heaven from all your friends here in cyberspace. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs, Ellie

  30. Keeping you both in my thoughts & prayers.
    Terri x

  31. I am at a loss for words and that doesn't happen often.. 🙂 I really do wish Suzanne, yourself and family all the best wishes I can muster.. One can only hope and pray that things improve and I am hoping and praying just that.. Do take care and love and support to Suzanne.. Wild..

  32. I am so sorry to read this. God bless you and Suzanne. I will keep you in my prayers.

  33. My Thoughts and Prayers are for you two..I'm retired and don't have money for extra things.But God does provide..Luv,Rose

  34. Oh I am so sorry to hear how ill Suzanne is. Grant you are a ture star for careing for her like you do. All fingers and toes are crossed for you both.
    Love Yvonne

  35. I am very sad to hear how ill Suzanne is. Her artwork is beautiful and I send you my thoughts and prayers for what will hopefully be a full recovery.

  36. Mr G
    Not going to tell you to take it easy and suchas that.
    Will say that I hope God lays a healing on Suzanne that her pain is tolorable.
    Our prayers are with you.
    Anita Pyron
    From Texas

  37. Hi Suzanne and Mr G

    Have been a big fan of your art on Etsy and was excited to see some of your stuff 'in the flesh' so to speak while out and about in Edinburgh today in a shop in Cockburn Street. My 10 year old daughter spotted your distinctive girls immediately and was so excited to see the books and bags. She really wants a cover for her ipod and a purse too and when I talked to her about what else she would like, she talked about fabric patches to sew onto t-shirts and her favourite hat.

    I think there are so many things you could do and it seems your many fans are coming up with ideas thick and fast!

    So sorry to hear of the difficulties you are experiencing and we are really hoping that things improve for you and your family soon.

    Lots of love, Laurie and Marsaili xx

  38. Thank you to everyone for your wonderful support, if anyone doesn't beleive in miracles, show them this thread and the generous actions of you all. Thank you all of you.

    I do know that Santoro have many new items coming in the near future some of which you have suggested here, Suzanne will never give up the drawing regardless of the pain or how long it takes and its your support that drives her…

    Thank you so much for just being you…you people are amazing and this week I have felt up to the fight. I know it is down to reading your comments.

    We have some more hosp appointments coming over the next 2 weeks and I have some important meetings today and tomorrow that may yeild more help.

    Thank you all

  39. Suzanne, a million tiny shadows across the world, each a glimmer of hope, are holding hands & sending all of our strength to you. Mr. G, I've walked miles in your shoes, there aren't words to express how my heart goes out to you.

  40. My heart goes out to you two! Will keep you both in my prayers.

  41. I hate hearing this..
    I hope you do not have to Close, But of course Understand..Love her work so much…

  42. Mr, G I had no idea Suzanne was so ill! My prayers are for her and you! Even if your hopes seem unrealistic right now. Keep on hoping! I sincerely believe for God anything is possible! Have seen it many times in my long life.

  43. I am a new customer and I had not heard of this before today. I just want you to know that both you and Suzanne are in my thoughts and prayers from this day forward. I will continue to be a customer as Suzanne's art is just the absolute greatest! God bless you both…

  44. I am so very sorry for all the pain you are both going through. Please know that my Thoughts and my prayers are with you both. God says where there are two or more gathered in His name there He will be also. I know He is here with us all as we send Suzanne and You Grant our prayers. God be with you both and know we all care . Hugs, Dottiemaye

  45. God's will be done in and through your lives on earth as it is in heaven. May you find peace that passes all understanding as the truth sets you free to experience the plans that God has for your family. He is always up to something good even when it looks not so good.
    Thank You Father for not giving up on this family for your son died to bring them life and life in abundance. I decree and declare your life force flows through them to touch that which seems dead. Breathe your breath of life on them so they are right where they are to be…being who you created them to be. May Suzanne's body line up with the word of God. In Jesus' Holy Name! Lovingly, Rilda *U*

  46. I'm so sorry for all your sorrow, my thoughts and prayers are with you both. I will spread the word to my prayer partners. The Lord said were one or more are gathered, I am there also. Keep the faith as we all pull together to bring both your wonderful people threw all this.. Up lifting prayers now – hugs – thoughts and prayers coming threw to you =- hugs Silver

  47. I also had no idea how things had gotten for you both. My love and prayers are with you.
    I am thinking I need to get out more as I haven't seen any of the Santoro products but now that I know I must find them! =)
    Praying and sending warm thoughts.

  48. I am so Sorry to here of Suzanne's Illness.. I am praying God can put his hands on her and free her of Pain.. Heal her if at all possible.. And prayers go out to you MrG, For being her caregiver, always being there for her, she is very lucky to have someone like you… Bless you both and the rest of the family… Deb

  49. Suzanne and Grant, you and your children continue to be in my prayers. God bless you.


  50. I am sorry to read very much this news on Susana…
    I am fervent his admiradora…
    I feel sad for his condition…
    And I wait in god that the things improve … that she cures completely…
    He will send mjis thoughts pasitivos for her…
    And mantendre producing an honoring to prtir of now and in my group subire gifts done with his
    Beautiful creations…
    Kisses susana…
    I love you…. Criss

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