Gorjuss Giveaway -Part 2

By on 7-05-2008 in Gorjuss Products, Originals, Prints, Ramblings, Sig Tag Stuff

Hey guys, Suzanne here.. can you BELIEVE how quickly the trinket box was won??! .. sheesh.. you guys are just TOO good ! (Well done Mel – drop Mr G (grant@gorjuss.co.uk) an email with your address to send it too if you havent already !)

Now… I was expecting some FUN FUN FUN to last all weekend.. so WHO WANTS A FREE PRINT? .. aaaah your kidding right, you gotta EARN it *evil laugh*

Guess the picture:

ooh guess the picture

Yes one of Mr G’s attempts at tagging went a bit er.. wrong, so let’s use it for the next contest *giggles*


(leave your answer below!)


There will be spot prizes for comments that make us giggle this weekend too, purely because my back is oh so sore this weekend and you all cheer me up ! ๐Ÿ˜€ (thanks for that ! ;))


Oh and while we are here..


The new paintings are just being released as prints on Etsy just now.. and so it this:




An original drawing on a cute little wooden trinket box ! Edit – ย  *SOLD*

Taggers Update

‘Life obliges me to do something, so I paint. ::: Rene Magritte :::’

I know, i KNOW you are all waiting for just *ONE* last painting from me before a new pack is released at Artistic Minds Inc for you all to play with.. but… my back is sooo sore.. it’s really getting me down.. please be patient with me ๐Ÿ™‚

I was a guest artist at Sweet And Spicy Creations for June, and I have to show this gorjusssss tag by fairy_princess_ann


Isnt it lovely, aaah fingers crossed for Nadal to win tomorrow please everyone !!!

Anyway enough rambling from me.. get your thinking caps on for the contest!

– Suzanne x


  1. “the throwaway doll”

  2. i still see a bunny rabbit!!
    it’s there!! ok..i circled it in paint and am going to send mr.g …maybe he’ll post them and others will see it too..
    and no bran..i’m not crazy(er than usual)

  3. I’m going to guess “Weddings” or “Free as a Bird.”

    Suzanne, I hope you feel better soon. Your poor back. ๐Ÿ™


  4. okay Ms Maddy ….you are just fine ……maybe a “little unwell” …….. * humming now with that song in my feeble lil head* I’m not going to guess any more, but I am going to take this image and check it closer in psp ๐Ÿ™‚ …. don’t worry, just keep your doors locked and don’t tell anyone else about this “bunny” thing ๐Ÿ™‚ I think you have let your vacation rattle you a lil bit ….., but we are here to help you. …..hmmmmm…… a 12 step Gorjuss program ? Take a lil nap and be sure to stay inside. xoxox ~ ?Robyn?

  5. okay……now I can see her…..I just need to find her ๐Ÿ™‚ ….not to guess, just to solve a puzzle for myself ๐Ÿ™‚

    she has a nice lil curl in her hair :blush:

  6. Glad to know the image had been colored!