And Another..

By on 2-05-2009 in Gorjuss Products, New Paintings, Prints

Hey everyone…

I’ve been painting away… now.. we have another in the series:


Title: Echoes
Whispers Of Sorrow. Echoes. Of Grief.

We also have some new upcoming events, we’ll get all the info and dates together to let you guys know about them soon!



  1. Oh i love this one…She looks so inocent…
    Great job on this one Suzanne as Always

  2. Suzanne, I think this is beautiful.

  3. i love it ๐Ÿ˜€ but then i love all your work ๐Ÿ˜€ events you say? oooooh what kind of events? i cant wait now!

  4. This is so lovely. Looks like the gorjuss girls are growing up…lol.

  5. Shes beautiful sweetie xxxx

  6. Beautiful!! I love how you are drawn to the butterfly. Something so small is such a large part of the painting!

  7. Suzanne, that is incredibly beautiful. Wow.

  8. Oh oh oh!!! I ordered my Gorjuss stamps today! I can’t wait for them to arrive!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I particularly love this one, so beautiful !!

  10. I love your new job Suzanne, as always is amazing.

    The gorjuss ruber stamps, are soooooo beautiful!!!!


  11. love this new print hun.. shes gorjuss..
    mouthie ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. These are all so beautiful, but I’m not ready for the girls to grow up… *sigh*

    Have a Gorjuss weekend!

  13. congrats on the stamps beth ๐Ÿ˜€

  14. I love how she looks as if she’s melding into the mist, and how the only hint of color is the red of the butterfly. She looks quite peaceful.

  15. Love the title of your new painting ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. I just love it, that is stunning!

  17. I love this illustration so much!!

  18. We love so many that you do but when I came to see about something for my wife, I saw this one and was dismayed. Is your art moving to this direction?

  19. Hutch I think you will find that Suzanne has many different explorations in her art.. Not all strike a chord but its not something she will do continuously, as she will not always draw cute girls either..

    So If you can stick about, you will see how varied her styles are and how she will never get stuck in a genre.

    Thanks for your comments