New Paintings…

By on 3-02-2009 in Gorjuss Products, New Paintings, Prints

Garfield was right, Mondays are bad….

Suzanne and I are still catching up with sleep after a late chat Saturday night…

Thanks to all the people who turned up making it our busiest night yet, It has led to me searching out a new chat room to cope with the stresses of the amount of chatting you guys do!!! :)..

More on that soon…

For now we have some new paintings to share with you… so with no further ado or adon’ts over to Suzanne.

-Mr G.


I am not afraid to walk this world alone

‘(I Am Not Afraid To) Walk This World Alone’

Pale Pink - gorjuss

‘Pale Pink’
Both have been added to the gallery, and are available as prints now 🙂

-Suzanne x


  1. Oh WOW,
    I love both of them…
    They are just so sweet Suzanne….

  2. Oooo, I might need to find some more wall space……..!

  3. Beautiful!!! Love them!

  4. I love them they are awesome.

  5. Beautiful! I love looking at the small things in each of them, the boat and koi fish in the first and the hearts on the socks in the second. Awesome work Suzanne!

  6. They are just beautiful!

  7. They both are just beautiful. I love the different coloring of each. Great job Suzanne!

  8. They are both absolutely beautiful! I love them!!!!!!

  9. They’re both beautiful! I love the hearts on their stockings!

    Get yourselves some more sleep… so you can be ready for the next chat. LOL

  10. oh Suzanne they are so beautiful!!! awesome work!
    nite nite

  11. Sooooo beautiful !!!!!:D

  12. Mondays are bad.. I wish I had seen this yesterday that was monday, it would have made my day 😉 I love your girls, they are all so pretty and innocent, and just child like, they remind me of waking up on Sundays to watch cartoon ( in my part of the world that was our Cartoon morning ) and all the good things from childhood 😉

  13. Lovely ! Both of them. I missed out on the chat and probably always will 🙁 , having satellite dish for my connection makes it nearly impossible to go into any chat type program without exceeding my bandwidth limit – once that bandwidth limit is met- they slow us to less than dial up speed sooooo I try to stay under that limit ….. but I do hear great things about it and hope that you are able to find a way to have them run smoothly…. what a great idea – to hold chats with your GorjussFan type people.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Love the new look here of your blog. You just have soooo much talent !
    Thanks for all you do for everyone.
    You rock !

  14. Stunning work 🙂 They are both beautiful !

    Hugs Debs x

  15. Suzanne..they are simply gorjuss…of course!! I especially love the second one, Pale’s soo adorable! Also, love the new look of the blog..great job! A question Suzanne, what’s the possibility that you could do a tube pack (or 2) of just your animals (like the white cat, fox, squirrels, hedgehogs…ect)? I think they would sell really well! Just something to think about..I know..I keep tossing the idea out there lol! Hugs to you & the family..

  16. I’m a huge fan. More and more in love with this little girls of yours by every entry you make.

    I would love to see I’m not afraid on a black shopping bag. She is just perfect!