Easter Feature….

By on 4-09-2009 in Gorjuss Friends, Important Updates, Ramblings


Suzanne is taking it slowly this week, she is having a tough adjustment to life post gall bladder…. things are much better for her now with pain an all time low… things are really shaping up for us.  We are so looking forward to when she is all healed up and ready to play… you can expect paintings galore and all kinds of new stuff..  So wait and see whats coming….

Technical Difficulties

Suzy’s poota has been very naughty recently and it has halted her new paintings somewhat… but have no FEAR… mr G is on the case…. and I am going to give it a stern talking to… I hope to have some nice Soozy pics to share with you tomorrow night for the giveaway.. Yes it will be back.. suggestions for the themes are welcome and remember… chatting in the comments will not help you win, as only relevently themed comments count!! But lets have an easter special theme… somehting good…

Easter Sale

We plan a 20% off prints and canvas in the shop over the Easter Weekend with a special tube discount on Easter Sunday…

So remeber that it will be midnight to midnight UK time… so don’t miss out on some very special Easter Bunny Bargains..

I want to end up on something slightly easter related…. yup.. I have a piccy of the ducks I met at a service station on our way home from London.. it was near 1.am and these night party ducks where giving it all that….. If the ever grumpy kismet was there… well I hate to think…

midnight duxx


  1. Awe, they look like they are having a Quacking good time…
    Wow what party animals out at that time of night on the pull no doubt…. LMAO
    Hope Suzanne is taking it easy, and Hopefully you can get her pc up to scratch for her…
    Looking forward to seeing the new pic’s tomorrow…..

  2. awww I can’t see the picture 🙁

    Hope Suzanne starts feeling better soon. Gosh what a recovery huh?
    Hope you CAN work out her poota problems. 🙂

  3. Woohooooooo a easter sale!!!

    I hope Grants magic helps your pc suzanne….

    Happy Easter To all at Gorjuss Land

    Hugs lee xx

  4. Oh, Suzanne…I hope you’re all recovered and back on your feet soon! What a way to spend Spring Break! Keep taking good care of her, Dr. Grant!

    Can’t wait to see the new things!


  5. Hope Suzanne is feeling better and gets her poota running. Have a Happy Easter might not be checking here canuse big weekend for work , I got rehired at Lone Star Park and its opening weekend Big events Sat is Beach Boys concert at LSP and easter egg hunt Sunday.LOL there motto The horses are ready. Are You?