
By on 4-19-2009 in New Paintings, Prints

Alice Title

gorjuss alice

Original is for sale at the ‘Sketch It Out…’ Exhibition,
APW Gallery, NYC (here)  Check out their site for photos
of the opening night, and the new shop, where you can
buy from them online!

-Suzanne x


  1. And Gorjuss she is 🙂

  2. Awesome Image Suzanne l love the fact its different and unique.

    Hope it becomes a image aalso lol

    Hugs lee xx

  3. Shes wonderful suzanne..hope all is well xxx

  4. Suzanne, she is beautiful 🙂 I hope this note finds you feeling better.
    Take care.
    Hugs, Bren

  5. Oh I love her. I need to get to the show. Beth said she might go up for it. We could meet. I believe it is on Long Island.
    Suzanne, she is darling.

  6. I love it, Suzanne! Alice is one of my very favorite characters. I am looking into going to see the exhibit and hopefully meeting up with Adeline!

  7. awww Alice!! I love her! 🙂

  8. Oh I Just LOVE this little girl Alice… The colour’s you used are Awesome…..
    She is soooo pretty…
    Hugs Mea

  9. Absolutely GORJUSS

  10. Oh wow, I love Alice!

  11. I love Alice and I love the little details that look like parts of a deck of cards. Brilliant.

  12. Note to self… move closer to NYC to get to the exhibition.

    I love Alice! Gorjuss, of course!