baby its cold outside !!

By on 11-12-2007 in Gorjuss Friends, New Paintings, Ramblings

Winter Solstice

brrr !! its soooo cold outside.. well.. I had to take a few days off last week to be ill. It wasnt on my schedule of things to do that week, but it managed to make itself important enough to postpone all other activities ! lol.. damn winter weather always makes me catch a respitory/chest infection yuck !

Still tired, but at least I can breath again !

Finally, got around to updating the digi gallery.. with a huge TEN new paintings !! .. so go drop by and have a flick thru them.. I hope you enjoy them !

p. s Still not done ANY Christmas shopping, and I’m in awe of the people who are buying my Christmas cards, and other goodies in preparation of gifting this year.. how organised they are, and how envious I am ! I was featured recently in a lovely little shopping ‘showcase’ called Cuteable .. where I plan on spending some time checking other peoples stuff out, and hopefully find some much needed gifts there !

One Comment

  1. I love the 2 most recent winter paintings of the girls in red, those are so beautiful! Your talent amazes me, thank you for sharing them with us! I agree by the way, I haven’t started Christmas shopping either and am shocked that some people are already *done*. Ick. lol.