Well Homework Time

By on 11-25-2008 in Competitions / Contests

Good Evening Class,

I have completed my marking and compiled the scores using a complex algebraic fomulae to calculate scores for the entrants to the competition…. when it came to naming paintings that met the criteria I banded the number of prints into categories. Excluding Teddies.

This meant that if you gave me 80 answers and I discounted 20 then you would be scored as if you gave me 60 correct answers…  ok?  The score would not be 60… but maybe 10.. which is the top score given for each of the name prints sections…  ie Question 6 and 7.

I shall now reveal the answers as I hoped to see them..

1. When did GorjussArt.com open?

August 15th 2008 (who said 2003??) at 8pm UK time.2. What Gorjuss Paintings have sheep in them? (as many as you can)Manumission… yup there is only 1… unless you count clouds.

3. What is the longest robot in the world?

R 2 Detour… still makes me laugh…

4. What printer do we use to make our prints with?

A Canon ipf6100  it is 24″ of utter wonder…. (I did allow points for close guesses) 2 points for correct.

5. Name as many paintings as you can featuring creatures.

Loads and Loads and Loads… creatures being spiders to snails to birds..etc.. Lots of people put a lot of work into this answer giving over 80 paintings, but including bears and dolls..

6. Name as many paintings where the girls wear gloves?

I think the most answers we had for this was 24…. so if you have over 20 qualifing paintings you got top marks…. mittens were allowed, long sleeves not.

7. What % of Suzanne’s socks are stripey?

100% up until she received her order of new socks yesterday… (Rainbows…which frankly are stripes).  This question and question 10 are what could have decided the winner….

8. Can you spell Annaconda?

Noone got caught out with this one (well 1 person did)…. Anaconda… well done all.

9. What is the French translation for Gorjuss?

Well its a name, its not a word…. so there is no real Translation… I accepted Gorjuss or any witty response.

10. How many questions have you answered so far in this quiz?

 This is the key trick question, the answer I was looking for was 9. I accepted 9 and once Im finished this one 10.  So some of you spotted me being tricky.. The Key in the question is SO FAR..

I know Im a bad boy…. I do find it hard to sleep at night…Now here is a key point in the quiz….. I stated.

Everyone is allowed to make 1 entry for this quiz………… so please take your time before posting your answer. You can chat and post away to make an answer you need to write,

MY ANSWERS ARE: and then number your answers 1 – 10 to match the questions above. 

 It was quite clear that not everyone was adding MY ANSWERS ARE… so I didn’t feel too mischievous to DQ them,

Anyway we nearly had a winner Jeff H I could only accept the first answer… and he got 5 and 6 the wrong way round but question 10 correct, and then corrected 5 & 6 later, but changed answer 10 to incorrect… gee you did try you’re best..

So its down to a name out of the hat,  I hope this appears fair to you all… and if it doesn’t.. well *sticks tongue out* its meant to be a bit of fun…

People in the draw Katt, Mary, Puzzle, Kimber, Beth, and Lorna.

And the Winner is Katt!!!!!

Congratulations I have mailed Katt to see if she wants the pack or if she has someone in mind to recieve it….


The hallween competition now needs wrapping up in time for Christmas!!

It’s KYA,

I’ll share her story here again and then explain why this seemingly dangerous and unacceptable act of knife carrying struck a cord with me..

Kya’s story ….When I was 12, my best friend and I were going trick or treating, and of course it would have been mortifying for a parent to come with us, but our parents wouldn’t let us go out alone. My 15 year old brother (who was of course too cool to go trick or treating) was enlisted to chaperone us. He was so cool, in fact that he insisted on wearing a hunting knife strapped to his thigh. We mutually agreed that he would walk on the other side of the street from us, so we wouldn’t be seen together.At one house we stopped at, a nice little old lady answered the door and gave us candy, as her middle aged son was leaving the house. He went up the walk, and then ran back freaking out. He was all “These girls shouldn’t leave! Quick, get inside! There’s a man lurking in the shadows across the street with a HUGE knife strapped to his leg.” I had to calm him down and explain that it was just my brother. Highly embarrassing for a 12 year old. Of course, my brother loved it.”

The reason I picked this story is that it reminded me of my Dad, he had just had explorative surgery on his brain , and had been home but a matter of days.

My step brother was going over for his meal that night and arrived to find my father out chopping wood for the fire… he was obviously concerned due to his recent ill health and rushed over to my dad.

Step bro “Hey there, are you ok to be doing that?”.

My Dad ” Yeah yeah yeah, I only hit my head once, I think its ok…. is it?”,

He then wipped off his bonnet to reveal the HUGEST scar freaking my Brother in Law out….  So Mad man in bushes and scary people in inappropriate ways amuses me….

Congratulations KYA a $7.00 gift cert on its way to you tonight..

Well I think I’ve wrapped everything up tonight… its time to go lie down for a few minutes…


  1. Congratulations Katt & Kya!! Very well done!

    Thank you, Grant & Suzanne, for giving us such fun contests and being so generous with prizes!


  2. Way to go, Katt and Kya! 😀

  3. Congratulations to winners!

  4. Congrats Katt.. And Kya..
    Mouthie 😀

  5. Oh My Goodness, Thank you all so very much I am honored. Please I want you to know that I am be Happy. Again Suzanne and Grant Thank you so much.I can hardle speck I am be on words. Again I am so honored by this. Thank you Thank you sovery much. Love and Hugs Katt aka Kathy 🙂

  6. Ohh congratulation very much! very good work 🙂 🙂

  7. Its the last time I run such a complex competition… lol..

    I set myself up for such a nightmare to sort out the winners… from now on Im gonna keep it simple..

    So Fridays quiz will be about chemical compounds… XD

  8. chemical compounds lmao cool comps mr g congratz to the winners XD

  9. Congrats Katt and Kya! Well done!

    Chemical compounds hey?

    Piece O’Cake! LOL

  10. Congratulations to the winners! I must keep reminding myself to check the blog on a Friday for these random contests!

    I must say, I went to our local Asda yesterday, to get some new socks. And what do you know…the knee length socks I picked up for me are just like our Gorjuss Girl’s socks! Grey and black striped! A bargain, if you’re in the UK, of 2 pairs for £3!

    Heidi xx :omg: 🙂

  11. Chemical compounds? Awesome! I finally get to use that B I got in my high school chemistry class! ::rubs hands together in glee::

    Just kidding…I know nothing about chemicals beyond highlighting my hair. XD

  12. Congratulations ladies xxxx

  13. lol @ Beth ! me too !!
    Congrats winners 🙂

  14. Congrats to the winners. I wonder how you do all you do Grant. I think you have more energy than most are supposed to have . LOL. Hugs, TammyJo

  15. Thanks so much for the win! I’m glad my story brought a fond memory to mind. I can’t wait to use my winnings, but I have to. I’m moving next week. Once I get to my new digs (in New Zealand!) I’ll order myself something niiiiiice…. XD

  16. Popping in to give my feet a rest from the Thanksgiving dinner preparations. And wanted to catch up on the blog.

    Congratulations Katt & Kya! Woohoo!

    Chemical compounds? Well, I haven’t ever blown up the kitchen. XD

    Gentle hugs all around! Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate and Happy Eating to all who don’t! 🙂